课程名称 |
选课要求 |
限选人数 |
上课日期 |
上课时间(北京时间) |
Plant Metabolic Biology |
- |
- |
6月27- 28日* |
8:00-18:00(第一至第八节课) |
Plant Stress Physiology |
英语4级以上 |
20 |
7月16日- 8月20日 期间的周六周日 |
周六:08:00-10:00 12:00-14:00 周日:11:00-13:00 |
Management of Fruit Diseases in USA |
植保相关专业 |
30 |
7月25日-28日 7月29日 |
7月25日-28日19:00-21:25 (第九至第十一节课) 7月29日 19:00-22:15 (第九至第十二节课) |
*注:Plant Metabolic Biology 课程因师资原因,由暑期线上课程提前至6月27-28日线下授课
选课方式:学生加入QQ群 ,联系助教老师查询课表并确认选课,先到先得,额满即止。
*注:Plant Metabolic Biology 课程选课截止时间为6月26日09:00
1. 本次课程教学时间相对集中,学习强度较大,为保证学习效果,每位同学选课不超过2门;
2. 选课学生课程期间需全程参加学习,积极与教师互动。对积极发言、回答问题的学生给予过程考核加分。学生选课后名单统一导入教务系统,且成绩如实记载。
3. 为保障课程正常运行,学生须在选课前仔细阅读课程简介(见附表1),课程不安排试听,选课结束后不接受补、退选申请。
4. 选课截止之后,选课学生须加入相应课程QQ群(见附表2),按课表上课并按要求参加相关课程活动。
咨询老师:李天杰 联系电话:87280191
1. Plant Metabolic Biology(1学分)
Course Introduction |
Plant Metabolic Biology is a new discipline. It was likely firstly proposed in a special issue of Planta by De-Yu Xie in 2012. This discipline studies Systems Plant Metabolism. The primary topics include omics of plant primary metabolism (PPM) and secondary metabolism (PSM), molecular biology, metabolic biochemistry, and genetics of PPM and PSM, gene and protein structures, biosynthetic pathways, regulation, synthetic biology, translational biology, metabolic engineering, evolution, variation, and application. A short course is developed to introduce graduate students to concepts, metabolic pathways, and literatures. This class will provide students representative literature for reading, presentation, and discussion. Students are introduced to read references, prepare presentation with PPT, and discussion. |
Instructor |
De-Yu Xie, Ph. D professor of Department of Plant & Microbial Biology, North Carolina State University; American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) fellow; Associate editor of Planta, Frontiers in Plant Sciences, and Journal of Integrative Plant Biology.
2. Plant Stress Physiology(2学分) |
Course Introduction |
Plant Stress Physiology will cover abiotic stress affects plant growth and how tolerant plants responds to these stresses. Particular focus will be given to how membrane transport mechanisms affected during soil salinity, alkalinity, acidity, aluminum toxicity, drought and temperature stresses and how biotechnology would help to improve food production by combating these stresses. |
Instructor |
Dr.Jayakumar Bose,Dr Jayakumar (Jay) Bose is an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow (2022–2026) and a former ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Awardee (DECRA; 2017–2020). |
3. Management of Fruit Diseases in USA(1学分) |
Course Introduction |
本课程将介绍美国的果实主要病害,并介绍一些具有典型代表性病害的防控管理策略。教学计划如下:果树病害管理导论(以桃为例),核果病害防控与管理策略(桃),果树病害防控及管理策略(苹果),小果病害防控及管理策略(草莓)及杀菌剂耐药性管理。 |
Instructor |
Guido Schnabel教授,克莱姆森大学的植物病理学家,长期从事美国东南部果树病害防控技术指导,实践经验丰富,多次受到美国植物病理学会嘉奖。2019年起一直担任Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology副主编。获APS Lee Hutchins卓越果树研究奖、APS卓越推广奖,克莱姆森大学戈德利·斯内尔奖,卓越研究奖和克莱姆森大学百年教授奖。主要研究领域包括:桃、草莓病害的综合治理;杀菌剂抗性鉴定与管理;真菌植物病原体对杀菌剂抗性的分子机制;杀菌剂的体外和田间药效试验。
序号 |
课程名称 |
课程群号 |
助教老师 |
1 |
Plant Metabolic Biology |
866632716 |
舒少华 |
2 |
Plant Stress Physiology |
230827454 |
吴洪洪 |
3 |
Management of Fruit Diseases in USA |
866673227 |
罗朝喜 |